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Account + Application

The Open Call for ZEITENWENDE Part I (at CSR.ART) has been closed since 20.04.2023. But you can still apply for ZEITENWENDE Part II (in the water reservoir).


If you have arrived here but do not yet have access to the account, please scroll down.
You have already received an invitation link and an access code from us? Perfect. Here you can find out how to upload your details and photos of your artwork so that the curators of ZEITENWENDE can take a look at everything.


First you have to register via the invitation link with the access code. Then you can upload your details and the photos of your artwork here (at Account | Application) Click on “Werk übermitteln | Submit post” (top left). An input mask will open. Fill in all fields with the required information and upload your images. Please tick the approval boxes and click on the submit button. The page reloads and a green confirmation field appears if you have done everything correctly. If not, you have to add more details. The system will tell you where something is still missing. That's it!

You don't have access to the account yet? Here is all the information you need to participate.

1. To take part in the selection process for ZEITENWENDE, send us your brief application in advance with the following information by e-mail to


Betreff: Open Call Zeitenwende 2023

  • Your full contact details (name, address, email, mobile number)
  • max. 10 artworks (and accordingly please not more than 10 photos + possibly detail photos) with which you would like to apply (on PDF or Word document or as attachment (low res))
  • Short description of the submitted artwork (on PDF, Word or directly into the e-mail; it must be clearly recognisable which text belongs to which artwork image).
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or tabular curriculum vitae (place of birth, place of residence and place of education + information on exhibition biography)


PLEASE NOTE: The artworks you propose by email must be identical to the artworks you upload here later. It is helpful if the photos of your artwork look professional and of good quality, i.e. not blurred or out of focus, too bright, too dark, strong flash shadows, etc. However, this should not create an inhibition threshold. With the short application we would like to get an impression of your proposal. Brevity is the spice of life. We do not expect a doctoral thesis.

2. The registration for the selection procedure of the exhibition ZEITENWENDE runs without exception via the above-mentioned previous short application and a subsequent invitation with the sending of the access code.


3. This is how you receive this invitation: First, carefully read our FAQ. Then send your complete short application – as explained above – to We will check your submission and send you the invitation with the access data for the upload area. There you upload the artworks you would like to present in the exhibition. Then the work of the curatorial team begins.