About us

With our exhibition projects, we want to promote artists [f/m/d > female, male, diverse] and make contemporary art visible in the centre of Berlin and in public space. In exhibitions and events, we enable, promote and challenge discourse about art, its social significance and meaningfulness.


Following the statement “To love art, you have to understand art”, we are working on formats for a way to communicate art more attractively. We want to make younger people in particular curious about contemporary art. We see an urgent need for exhibition formats with a new culture of invitation and mediation in order to lower threshold fears and get more people excited about contemporary art.


In order for existing and future generations of artists to secure their existence, new art enthusiasts and young collectors must be found, interested, built up and fascinated. To this end, in cooperation with gallery owners, institutions and collectors, we present temporary exhibitions at special venues with relevant contemporary works by artists [f/m/d], regardless of age, origin or gender.


With these experimental exhibition formats, we hope to contribute to intercultural, intergenerational and intellectual exchange.


The team of DEEDS.LAB gUG